- Journal
- Calendar
- Photographs
- Abuse checklist
- Chronological, detailed written history of abuse
- Financial information (yours and your ex-partner’s)
- Utility bills, mortgage, line-of-credit information, Revenue Canada
If your ex-partner uses technology a lot to monitor and harass you, use the Identifying Technology Abuse chart to document this evidence. Review our Do’s and Don’ts of Collecting Electronic Evidence.
- Facebook postings
- Other social media
- Emails
- Text messages
- Telephone messages
- Record of 911 call(s)
- Police incident report(s)
Criminal court
- Criminal charge sheet(s)
- Crown disclosure package
- Bail conditions
- Reasons for judgment or sentence or comments made by judge verifying abuse
- Terms of probation
- Peace bond
- Evidence of previous charges or convictions
- Transcripts of any 911 calls you or your children made
- Family doctor notes and files
- Hospital emergency room reports
- Sexual assault/domestic violence care centre records
Letters or evidence attached to an affidavit from:
- Neighbours
- Religious leader
- Therapist or counsellor
- Children’s teacher(s), school
- Children’s daycare worker or babysitter
- Children’s coach(es), instructors, etc.
- CAS records or contracts or confirmation that file was not opened or has been closed
- Transcripts of interviews with children
- Children’s doctors, dentist
- Internal-incident reports
- Co-workers
- Supervisor
- No trespassing letter
- Security recordings
Evidence or letters from previous or subsequent partners of your abusive ex-partner