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Checklist: Being safe at court

ontario specific
legal information

I have a women’s legal advocate. That person is:


I have a support person who is coming to court with me. That person is:


I have visited the courthouse and know where to go on my court date.

I know how to find:

  • The duty counsel office
  • Court security
  • The washrooms
  • The courtroom I have to be in

I have contacted court security and given them relevant information, including:

  • My ex-partner’s name
  • The restraining order against him
  • A copy of his bail conditions
  • A photograph of him

This is what the court security officer has said they can do to help me stay safe:



I know what to do if/when I see my ex-partner:

  • Ask court security for assistance
  • Move away from where he is sitting
  • Ask him to move away from where I am sitting
  • Go into the washroom
  • Ask my support person to intervene
  • Other:


I have made arrangements to get to and from court as safely as possible. I am going to:

  • Take a cab.
  • Use public transit with a friend.
  • Bring my car and travel with a friend.
  • Park in a safe place.
  • Have a friend walk me from my parking spot or the transit stop to the courthouse.
  • Have a friend meet me at the courthouse.
  • Bring a cell phone so I can call if there are any problems.
  • Get to court early.
  • Ask court security to help me leave safely.

All my documents are organized and ready for me to take to court.

I have reviewed all the court documents.

I have booked time off work.

I have arranged for child care.

I have some snacks and drinks ready to take to court.

I have comfortable clothes ready.

I have plans for the evening after court so I can relax and feel safe. My plans are:



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