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folderPassports – yours and your children’s
If it is safe to do so, remove passports from the home and leave at work, with a trusted friend or family member or in your safety deposit box.
If it is not safe to do this before you leave, keep them all together somewhere you can grab them quickly when you leave.

Immigration /citizenship papers
Photocopy these documents and keep in one of the safe places we have suggested.

Marriage certificate
Photocopy and keep in one of the safe places we have suggested.

Find and copy vehicle-related documents (registration, insurance, loan) and store in a safe place.
After you leave, if you take a car with you, contact the insurance company to change the policy into your name only and to remove your name from policies for any other vehicles.

Children’s report cards
Remove the originals from the home or, if that is not safe, make photocopies and store in one of the safe places we have suggested.

Driver’s licence, birth certificates, social insurance number
Make photocopies of these documents and keep them in one of the safe places we have suggested. This will be helpful if your partner takes your wallet or you have to flee without it.

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