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Safety planning strategies

lifesaverCreating a safety plan

You will know best what you need to do to stay safe. You probably already have strategies that keep you and your children safe. These will become part of your safety plan.

Talking to others can be very helpful. This lets friends, family and even work colleagues and neighbours become involved and offer support and resources. But think carefully before you share information with other people: You don’t want this information making its way back to your partner/ex-partner.

Characteristics of a safety plan

Because each woman’s situation is unique, there is no one safety plan that fits all situations. However, there are some characteristics that are common to most plans. A good safety plan will:

  • Seek to reduce or eliminate the range of risks you face, including but not limited to physical violence.
  • Include strategies for staying in and/or leaving the relationship.
  • Have short- and/or long-term time frames.
  • Change as a result of changed circumstances.

A safety plan should include

  • How to get away if there is an emergency.
  • How to get help if leaving is not an option at that time or you choose not to leave.
  • Where to go if you leave.
  • How to be safe at a new place.
  • How to keep in touch with people, including the police, who will help you.
  • How to keep your children safe.
  • How to protect your personal property (e.g., clothes, jewelry, family
  • keepsakes, important documents, phone, etc.).
  • How to stay safe in public and at work.
  • Anything else that you and your children need to feel as safe as possible.