Isolates you from others
Tells you that you cannot do something
Is jealous about who you see
Monitors your time, makes you account for where you were
Does not allow you to leave the house
Restricts your use of the car
Alienates you from family/friends
Keeps you from getting medical care/counselling
Tries/threatens to turn children/people against you
Anger and Intimidation
Changes his mood suddenly
Gives silent treatment
Shouts or yells
Pounds fists on table
Throws or kicks something
Stomps out of the house
Slams doors
Says that he has “nothing to lose”
Has criminal background/current activity
Has third parties monitor/harass you
Psychological Abuse
Blames you for his problems
Blames you for miscarriages/ termination of pregnancy
Drives cars in a frightening way
Threatens to:
Leave the relationship
See someone else
Take children away from you
Come after you if you leave
Have you committed to an institution
Hurt or kill you
Hurt or kill the children
Hurt or kill himself
Have someone else kill you, your family, friends, etc.