5. Protect yourself in mediation
If you are using mediation, spend some time before the first session considering the tactics you think your partner might use to try to intimidate you. Then work with your women’s legal advocate to develop responses you can call on if you need them.
For example:
- Do you need to have someone accompany you to and from court so your ex can’t harass you as you come and go from the mediation session?
- Do you need to ask the mediator to do shuttle mediation so you don’t have to be in the same room with your ex-partner? This means you are in different rooms, and the mediator moves back and forth between you.
- You might want to document all your ex’s contact with you outside the mediation sessions so you can demonstrate to the mediator any harassing or intimidating behaviour.
- You may need to limit your contact with your ex-partner immediately before mediation sessions so he can’t try to intimidate you.
- Be ready to end the mediation session or the entire process if you are feeling bullied by your ex-partner.